Consulting Services

We specialize in recognizing impairment, enhancing workplace safety, and improving operational effectiveness, ensuring that our clients are equipped to navigate today’s complex challenges. We are qualified to offer expert testimony/consultations in the following areas:

Wrongful Arrest Claims

A negative blood test doesn't necessarily mean that the driver was not impaired at the time of arrest. We have experience and expertise reviewing these types of cases for Law Enforcement agencies, private citizens district attorneys offices

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Drug and  Alcohol Impaired Driving Incidents

We will review cases to assist in determining if there is adequate evidence to support that a driver was/was not under the influence at the time of the crash

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Workplace Discipline/Termination

We will provide case analysis that the proper drug recognition training was  conducted and utilized to standard to reach the employees disciplinary/termination status

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Restaurant and Bar Liability

Often times liability for intoxication-related injuries can be extended to the establishment that serve the person who causes the injuries. We will assist in reviewing these types of cases as it relates to human consumption and performance

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Roadside Sobriety Testing

Results of roadside sobriety tests are an important component of arrest decisions and are a highly litigated practice.

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